Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pre-Thanksgiving Recipe Search

For the second year in a row, I am preparing my Thanksgiving dinner list: cranberry sauce, turkey, pumpkin pie (heck, pumpkin anything!), apple pie, mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, green bean casserole, stuffing, sweet potato soufflé, and the list goes on and on.

This year, I'm turning to my favorite food blog for the best of these basic recipes: Simply Recipes run by Elise Bauer.  Many of you who know me, know that any time I share a recipe with ANYONE, I mention Elise's blog.  My promo for Elise's blog goes something like, "Oh, you liked that recipe? No's an Elise recipe.  Yeah, Elise is great.  She puts all of her tried and true recipes online once they've been perfected by her, her family, and her friends.  Anything you make by her is guaranteed to be delicious."  And, I don't lie.  Elise's recipes are so good that any time I need a recipe for anything, I check her website first (then, Food Network, but with a significantly lower success rate).  The thing that makes Elise's website so fanatastic is that she will only blog about a food once she knows for certain that it's perfect, or something she'll attach her name to. 

Thus, everything Elise posts to her blog is near perfection.  For this blog, "Clearly Delicious," I intend to accomplish a similar goal: foods that are easy for me to make, and equally as delicious.

The catch: I'm a grad student.  Money, well, let's just say that I'm not made of it, but I have a serious love of foods that are both nutritiously delicious (CLEARLY!) and fun to make.  Sometimes, I even buy wine that costs more than $10 to accompany said delicious meal. 

For this weekend, I'll let you know what's clearly delicious and worth drinking.   See you Saturday....

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